Saturday, June 5, 2010

Special Kind of Stupid

This is how I explained the post Cinco-de-Mayo crackdown to my roommates, who arrived in the Franklin after all of that settled.

Today, we had a new example of Special Kind of Stupid.

It will come as no surprise that underage drinking is considered unacceptable for personnel here. Can earn you your own special private trial with the Captain. Aren't you lucky.

What does come as a bit of a surprise is how often people forget that we're not a college campus; we're a military base. Your methods of escaping detection and consequences need to be adjusted accordingly.

For example, in any other country in the world, climbing the fence instead of coming in the main gate would very likely get you shot. Here, they'd be justified in shooting you, but we're gas first, ask questions second sort of deal.

Special Kind of Stupid. Sigh.

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