Saturday, June 19, 2010


Rice and I took the day to go into Chicago. Nothing special, not even the museums, just getting off base and being ourselves somewhere where we don't have to remember 49 random regulations that apply to each city block.

We took too long in a bookstore, and on the way back, every coffee place was closed. Rice was feeling bad about this, because I have made known my love for good coffee, and it was one of my to-dos that day to get a mocha or something. And I was trying to reassure him, in the event that there weren't ANY open between here and the train station...

"It's okay! Really! Some point in my future, there will once again be good coffee."

I reflect on this, and we both think the same thing at the same time - how uncertain our lives are. "Or Heaven. In which case, I am sure there will be more than adequate compensation for the present lack of coffee in my life."

"Or a husband!" This isn't as random as it sounds, but you would have to have spent the last three hours with us to know that. Most of it was spent reassuring me about the future.

"That's right! And he can bring me coffee! I LIKE your thinking!!"

Turned out later that Rice was thinking of other benefits of marriage that could be Heavenly compensation. I'm just a little single-minded when it comes to coffee*.

I shared the story with one of the married women I look up to, and she laughed and said that it took her a long time to train her husband to bring her coffee. So, evidently, this is something that'll have to be started in the early stages of any relationship. :P

*This could be the only thing I'm this single-minded about. Anything else all weaves together into a kaleidoscope of a day. I start thinking about coffee, and everything comes down to how it relates to coffee and me getting coffee.

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