Tuesday, June 1, 2010

All My Titles For This Are Circuitry-Related Puns.

As y'may have guessed by now, one of my closer friends on base is Julia. We've been together since the start of Boot Camp - primarily because we're almost exactly the same height, and share an unholy appreciation for musicals.

And other random oddities.

There is, however, a balance that exists between us. Because we're both some variation of bipolar. I'm either glowing so hard that I'm levitating (a friend offered to tie me down so I wouldn't blow away at Josie's wedding), or I'm calmly amused by the situation. These are the two chief variations. Even on base.

Julia, by contrast, is either absolutely hyper, or terribly morose. There is a middle ground, and it's called "tired".

With most of my friends, we feed off each other. Adam's a fine example - he gets happy, I get happy, and happy just builds. Rahni and I get sillier and sillier as time progresses together (note to Mr. Knutson - I'm sorry about your car. Had we found it later in the evening, it would have likely featured Victor Borge and/or Veggie Tales. Possibly a small caricature of Lilo and Stitch). This is not the case with Julia. We immediately counter each other.

Mills observed this today, because I was excited about something, and Julia came in (we might have the only door on this deck that you have to consciously close) featuring "hyper." The instant she said, "Guess what?!", I had returned to being calmly amused by the world.

Every time. That was actually the first time we'd noticed it, but we started looking at the last few weeks, and this is always going on.

So, hey, cool. Ballast-buddies. Rock on.

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