Thursday, June 10, 2010

Ain't Been Nothin' But Bad

I am so, so thankful for Allan.

Allan is my buddy. Allan is an Eagle Scout. Allan is our choir techie. Allan is nineteen, but usually acts like a good-hearted fourteen. But, most importantly (today, anyway), Allan is six-and-a-half feet tall.

Because on our way out of the Combat Systems School today, we goofed up. It's Friday, okay, we're more organized than college students, but now and again we still slip up and lose our military bearing. And EM1 walked by. He was not pleased. Not pleased at all. Called us all back into ranks, and started in on us. One ship at a time, because a few of them were actually okay.

And as soon as he yelled, "Franklin, stand by!" I heard, from that rebellious little corner of my brain that thinks its funny, Tommy Arachtingi's little-Christmas-punk voice, "I'm in trouble!" And while, yes, I do take EM1 seriously, I simply could not manage to keep the grin off my face. There's something about sudden terror that makes humor so much funnier.

And this would have landed me in a world of hurt, had Allan not been standing directly in front of me.

So, yes. Saved, and dangerously entertained. Just another day. :)

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