Sunday, April 18, 2010

Parody Tragedy

So, my subconscious likes to make up song parodies while I'm in the shower.

The problem is that, as soon as I really notice what I'm singing, the supply of lyrics dries up.

Thus far the favorites have been,

"If I Were a Henchman" - adapted from Fiddler on the Roof, this one was fairly creative, and could spark an entire musical about comic-book villains trying to eke out a living on the steppes of Siberia, plagued by the constant knowledge that any day the Justice League could find them and crush their village.

"The Day the Bu-Stang Died" - commemorating the final night in the life of my friend Wil's Buick, racing with his best friend. Need more details from him about events, but I think we could really go somewhere with this.

"They'll Be Bloomin' Again" - I'm excited about springtime. I went through about eleven kinds of trees and flowers without paying attention, and then once I noticed what I was singing, all knowledge of rhythmic botany flew out of my head.

There have been others, but to a one, they all demonstrate that my sense of humor has a miniscule target audience. My former roommate would probably appreciate these, but I doubt that my current ones will.

Clearly, they are missing out. :)

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