Wednesday, April 21, 2010

I'm Mr. Fix-It

In the Fleet, ETs get called on to not only fix the ship's systems, but the personal stuff of any other sailors who manage to somehow break it. The exception to this would be your laptop - take it to IT. We probably could fix it, but the fact is that we're up to our ears in work, and this is something that someone else actually knows how to do.

Curiously, people often don't want to tell you exactly how their favorite gadget got defunked. They'll tell you about three of the facts, and then you will have to try to figure out the other five things that happened to break it. This is usually because whatever they were up to was either stupid, or against regulations.

Clearly, it has not occurred to these individuals that we have a much better hope of solving your problem if we know what it is. Sometimes, a technician will look at something and just have no idea what they're looking at because whatever you did was just too weird.

Which led to the following phrase, from an ET2 this morning: "We can fix your iPod, and we can fix your microwave, but if you microwave your iPod, you're on your own."

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