Saturday, April 10, 2010

Happy Birthday to Me!

So, it's my birthday.

It's also a day where I'm standing watch at 0400. This means that I have to get up at 0300.

Turns out that the other girl standing the parallel watch with me is also having her birthday. Turns out she's also a Christian. Turns out she's actually dedicated her life to missions. Had what a friend of mine would declare a freakin' sweet conversation.

There are four other girls that I run around with now and again, and they're making plans for us to go to Parcheesi's tonight - it's one of the on-base establishments, but it's waaaaaaaaay over on the corspmen's side of the base, so we might do the half-hour walk, or we might catch the bus.

EDIT: We did Pizza Hut instead. But Megan refused to let me pay for my food, and one of the guys got my ice cream for me. Had a fun time.

I was planning to go back to my room and watch Serenity, since I haven't seen it but enjoyed the series. (I love love love "Firefly", but the same-name business is sheerly coincidental. Ross learned that my name was Firefly and that I'd never seen the show, and made it one of his many spring projects to make sure that I watched the whole thing.) Maybe save that for another night.

EDIT: Since I'd been up since 0300, unlike the rest of the crew, I actually kind of canceled on going out with everybody, and just headed back to hang out with Julia back on the Franklin. And instead of Serenity, we watched Dr. Horrible, because she hadn't seen it, and it's still Joss Whedon. (If you haven't seen it and you can appreciate a thoroughly ridiculous musical, I highly recommend it. I want to reproduce this with some friends. And, of course, I want to cast myself as Penny - not sure how well that'll go over.)

Kind of thinking I should go to bed early tonight, so, I wish everyone pleasant dreams, and I will see you Friday. It feels very weird to be 23 - in my mind, I think I was always kind of hoping to skate over this age. It's just the number - my brain loves fours, and twos are fine, but anything ending in three just doesn't feel right.

EDIT: Misadventures aboard the Franklin led to being up until 2330. Rargh.

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