Sunday, April 4, 2010

Good Morning, Base

The base is not unlike a college campus, save that, instead of interesting and baffling art sculptures everywhere, we have the big guns and large engine parts. Arranged like artistic sculptures.

You have buildings designated to specific fields of study, a gym or four (one of them has a climbing wall - I must find some time to check this out), couple different places to eat, and various barracks (we refer to them as ships).

My first one was a rather creepy place with a reputation to uphold. Very strict rules - essentially, you could have fun anywhere but on the ship. My current ship was a hotel back in the 70s or so. My door has a little sign announcing that checkout is at 1200, and they hope I enjoyed my stay. :)

For obvious reasons, I can't give you pictures of any of the cool stuff. But, we are on Lake Michigan, and from my room I can see the sunrise through the trees, and just a glimpse of the water. Life could be a lot worse.

Beautiful Easter morning.

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