Friday, January 1, 2010

This year, the notion of making any new resolutions seems amusing at best, and a little frightening at worst.

In less than a month, I'll be leaving, and my world's going to change. I can't resolve to be in better shape or show up on time more often, because I don't have a choice on either one. I want to be less critical and more joyful, and find the humor in far more situations, but I know that February's going to lead to quite the personality overhaul (I know it doesn't for everybody, but I also know it's going to here. Don't ask; I'm not being fatalistic, I'm being weird.)

Resolutions are another celebration of liberty, but a more sideways one. I can resolve to eat healthier, because I have a lot of variety in my choices. I can resolve to listen to my students more, because they actually want to talk to me. I can resolve to dress more (or less!) professionally, because, sheesh, I can actually afford more than three pairs of pants!

...there's a part of my brain that doesn't quite grasp why anyone needs more than three pairs of pants, but I'm working on kicking it under the table. "What? Two for work, two for school, one to kick around in in the woods!" "That's five." "Oh! I get it!"

So, if everything WASN'T changing a month from now, given events and information from the past few weeks...

1) I resolve to spend more time actually PLAYING with my sisters, and not just talking to them.
2) Also, listening to them more than I talk. But none of us play enough.
3) I resolve to quit shutting out the possibility of getting back in the dating saddle.
4) I resolve to quit being weird around the ex (or, more accurately, I wish)
5) I resolve to practice my sax daily, work through this piece that's been kicking my butt, join an ensemble and cease regarding this talent with regret
6) I resolve to spend more time with my friends than my computer
7) I resolve to chase after my wilder dreams, and quit telling people about all of them because they're starting to get that men-with-the-white-coats expression when they see me.
8) I resolve to laugh more, play more, and pursue the things that I'm really passionate about.
9) I will not only finish one of the books I'm in the process of writing, but also have the courage to actually let someone else read it
10) I will either stop being surprised when people think I'm twenty-five, or nineteen, or I will stop acting like it.

Standard stuff.

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