Saturday, May 22, 2010

Tide Fresh!

There is something so delightful about the smell of clean laundry.

And the celebration, "At last! I have shorts again!"

It's not so much that we're lazy, we're just ridiculously short on time. The best time to do chores is when they won't LET you try to play catch-up on half a dozen other things you need to get done.

I'm going to sit here and breathe my shirt for a good ten minutes. Or until my roommate offers me one of her cookies. Hint hint, Mills.

...hold on, who named "Tide"? Have they ever been NEAR the ocean? Have you SEEN the sorts of things (and smells) the tide brings in?

Ah well. There's not much of a tide on the mountain, either, but mountain breeze t-shirt is delightful.

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