Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Er, hi again.


I'd actually forgotten about this blog, and offer my apologies for the neglect. I'll try to get back into it.

After the accident, I'm now driving around a pretty sweet Park Avenue by the name of Charlie. Well, okay, I think it's pretty sweet. :)

One of the girls on our floor moved home at semester break, so Ashley moved into her room down the hall. Oddly, we still refer to each other as 'my roommate,' we just see a lot less of each other.

The weather up here continues to be positively bipolar. It's fairly normal to get a decent five inches of snow on Monday, and be wearing short sleeves on Thursday. Wyoming seems to always be either snowing, or melting. It never occurred to me that I would miss the stability of Minnesota. :)

And, as of today, I am a palindrome. :D Or, my age is, anyway. It's my birthday.

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