Saturday, April 11, 2009

It's been a very nice day. :)

Me attempting to sleep in now means that I wake up...shortly before 8 a.m. Well then. No one else on the block is up then, so it's a good time to get in some reading and breakfast. My RA made cornbread the other day, and has indicated that it's for everyone. Excellent addition to breakfast.

Went biking for a little while. Last night I had a blast biking all around, just exploring the streets and trails and seeing where I ended up. This is more entertaining than it was last fall, because then I didn't really know the town. I would come out somewhere, and comment, "Huh. This is pretty. Where am I?" Now, I'll come out somewhere, and stare around me in amazement. "How did I end up here?!"

Of course, after everything I did yesterday, I'm now very sore, so I ended up squirreling around campus, and then just biking to the store to pick up a few things before admitting surrender and returning to the house for lunch.

As is the custom for Saturdays, lunch was followed by going off to play with the am-i-nals, which is therapeutic in its own fashion. It's comparable to receiving a massage, and having tension released from muscles you hadn't known it was residing in. Sitting in a pile of cats releases some kind of tension that you didn't even know you were holding. It's a good thing. Plus, come on - cats are awesome.

My RA's two-year-old niece is visiting our house for Easter. I will be completely useless for the next two days.

And, if events permit, I'm going to Lizzie and Ross's play tonight, which should be pretty cool. Theater is good, friends in theater is even better. Our director's been harping on us the value of live entertainment vs. recorded, and I think it's starting to take effect. :P

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