Sunday, April 26, 2009

Choir Concert!

Last night, we had a concert. I think it went well.

This would be the better-looking half of the show choir, and Gene.

Our show choir (General Delivery) meets every day, while the Concert Choir meets once a week. Surprise surprise, this means that GD's doing about eight pieces to the Choir's three. As this is the 60th anniversary of Sheridan College, this means doing a "through the years" pops concert.

How PDQ Bach's "Oedipus Tex" is considered a "through the years" piece, I have no idea. But it took the last half of the concert, and was highly entertaining. The hilarity is increased by the signing class - second-year ASL students have, as their final project for the class, taking different pieces that we perform and translating them for the audience. I didn't have anyone in the audience who could take pictures, but a few of the translators and all of our soloists for O.T. (as abbreviated everywhere in the work but the first page) dressed the part of the various wacky Texans that they need to be portraying.

On a nerd note, after seeing the ensemble he put together for this, Ross and I decided that if we ever have occasion to be together for a Halloween event, we're going as Mal and Inara from the Firefly series.

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