Wednesday, September 29, 2010

"Reading Rainbow"

This is my new nickname.

While I was in ATT, my class nicknamed me "Shakespeare," in reference to my speech patterns. For awhile, I was picking up a new nickname every two weeks or so, so I didn't think anything of it - I'm of the opinion that if you ignore a nickname, it'll go away when they find something new to amuse themselves.

This one came up while we were going through homework. In the sixth week of "A" school, we've become fairly comfortable with each other. The class had been rather free with the new handles that week, awarding "Skittles" (the kid ate some off the floor) and "Dum-Dum." We'd just received a new instructor on Monday (through ET "A" school, each class changes instructors about 6-12 times), and were settling into this new teaching method.

Going through that day's homework, we were firing off answers, just reading off from what we'd written the night before. After my turn, though, there was a long silence. I looked up to find everyone, including the instructor, staring at me. "What?"

"You sound like you're reading a novel."

At the daycare, I would usually read six or more books to the kids each afternoon. I don't read the same way that I talk, because...I don't know. I just developed a "reading voice." And apparently it stuck.

With the exception of the Bible in study groups (and that's different. No, I don't know why.), I don't think any of my friends have really heard me read aloud. So, I didn't know about this. But they continued developing this idea (we tend to volley ideas around the class - it drives our assistant class leader nuts), and decided that I was supposed to read for kids on tv. Like Reading Rainbow!

Personally, I'd have preferred Wishbone. I loved that show.

One of the guys has really gotten into it - every time I walk into class now, I hear, "Butterfly in the sky..."

Nothing like friends to let you know what you don't know you're doing. Sigh. I guess it could be worse.

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