Wednesday, August 25, 2010

When You Dream...

So, all three of us roommates do weird things in our sleep. All three of us are also on different schedules, so that the only time everyone's asleep is from about 0100 to 0500. Thus, we have the opportunity to observe each other.

I apparently talk in my sleep - or at least, I make sounds as though I'm talking in my dreams, but I don't have the energy or capability to open my mouth. Last night, however, I clearly announced in a dead sleep, "I'm a Fire Controlman in the United States Navy!"

The roommate who did overhear this one was entertained and puzzled. She's the only one of the three of us who IS an FC - they're kind of the buddy program to ETs. I'm puzzled, because I have no idea what I was doing in my dream that I needed to specify that.

...especially the "United States" bit. Was this an international altercation? I'm thinking I had to justify why I was qualified to fix something and save the day (or night, in this case), but I don't remember dreaming about ANYTHING like that.

At least this time it was just perplexing. Past nocturnal announcements have been downright embarassing.

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