Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Momentous Occasion

And on the heels of that....

I shed my first gray hair tonight!

It's actually silver. And you're thinking I'm darn weird for being so excited about this. And you're most likely right, but fortunately, I don't care!

Oh. Random quote I heard this week. "Of course I'm a *****. I'm a Sailor. We're cocky as *** and we don't give a **** what anyone thinks of us!" This sums up a lot of my friends here, in multiple ways.

But yeah, playing with my hair at ATT (I don't know that this helps me concentrate on what I'm doing, but it does help me stay awake; a valid concern when one's classroom is 85 degrees), found a shiny. I was fascinated - this would probably be less interesting if I was blonde, but it came off of me and it's not dark! This is so strange!

Anyway. That's not exactly news, but I'm excited. I have this thing about growing older - I plan on enjoying myself while I'm at it.

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