Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Fire Standard

Standard I've held since Camp: If I haven't lost a kid and nothing's on fire, it's a good day.

This is mostly just an excuse. I never had anything catch fire at Camp, and kids don't exactly go missing, they just find themselves with another counselor without telling you. I like having good days, and most of the time people demand an explanation. "Why are you having such a good day?" is right up there with, "Why do you have skin on?" It's just how things are.

So, I tried explaining this to one of my friends who was standing ladderwell watch.
"What if something did catch fire?"
"Is it out yet?"
"Then it's a GREAT day! We put the fire out!"
Thinks this over. "What if it isn't?"
"Then the day's not over yet."

Same thing with the kid. If anyone's missing, your day's not over until they're found, so you don't worry about labeling it at that point.

Tonight, I'm handing off the soundboard at Chapel to another guy - he's an EOD, different training schedule than ETs, so he's more available than I am. We spend about half an hour running over the basics, and then I go putter around with a few unrelated things in the office before returning and watching him for a bit.
"I'm going to head out. You know who to talk to if anything catches fire."
Glances around the room, looks at me. "The fire extinguisher."
Big grin.

I love EODs, just for their practicality. Anyone ELSE would tell me who you're supposed to report it to, but, really now, put it out first, THEN report it.

Anyway, I apologize for all of the crankiness lately. I am very tired, yes, but really, I'm actually still feeling happy most of the time. It's still a good day.

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