Friday, September 12, 2008

Get Lost!

I am so, so grateful to Tony for fixing up the bike for me. Exploring a town is much more fun this way. Admittedly, from time to time I'll take a random trail or back alley, and by the time I come out again, I haven't the foggiest notion where I've ended up. But, usually before I go too much further, I'll see another street sign or landmark I recognize.

I-90 counts as a landmark - you can't possibly cross under it without knowing that you've done so, and since it pretty much runs through the college's backyard, I can usually find my way home without too much difficulty.

Thursday night was a little dicey - I went off without any particular destination in mind, though I'd heard that there was a Little Caesar's somewhere in town, and thought that that might be a good thing to locate (mmmm...cheesy bread). The individual in question had mentioned that it was on the other end from the college, so, when I took a very convoluted path involving two different bike trails (one that abruptly stopped in the middle of a...park?), three back alleys, several pretty little neighborhoods, and a few scattered sections that my old road bike would not have handled...I was surprised to find myself facing a Little Caesar's truck. Turns out it's inside one of the big chain stores in town, but at least it's located.

I realized about two minutes later that my class that evening was at six, not seven. I usually eat dinner around six (the cafeteria opens at 5:15), as it's not nearly as crowded then - so, I really didn't have so much time to work with. And since I'd taken such an interesting path out here, I wasn't at all certain of how to find my way back.

Fortunately, everything worked out all right. I spotted a random statue (there are statues on every corner of Main St.), and from there found the college, and simply had to book it on the way back. It was a good time, though. I'm hoping that this warm stretch (it's been in the fifties lately) holds - every time I go out, I see new things I want to explore.

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