Wednesday, June 5, 2013

Hero Of the Day

Today, the Powers That Be decided that several of us needed to move. We've sort of been existing between where we lived for the last 8 months, and where we'll live for the next year, and most of us have been transferring stuff a backpack-load at a time, with the understanding that we need to be done with this sometime next week.

Or, y'know, a week early, that's cool, too.

Grouse grouse grouse. I have about four more backpack-loads - and we refer to my backpack as "The SUV of all backpacks." It would look appropriate if I were, say, in full battle rattle and headed somewhere Very Important in one of the 'stans. Here, when filled, it looks like I'm walking home from work with a little black Mini Cooper strapped to my back. Four of these, I had expected to get home over the next 4-5 days.

Also tempting is the urge to feel sorry for myself for not having the use of my left arm. Home is about a 20-25 minute walk, so it's not THAT bad to have to make multiple trips, but there's this Really Big Hill. Most of the time, I am quite fond of the Really Big Hill. It's pretty, and affords me a beautiful view of Rainier, and a pretty walk through the trees with holly and ivy and big pines, and is really a very relaxing way to transition from work to whatever one is doing after work.

That's when one is carrying a backpack or less.

I am at this point rather frazzled and frustrated. And in deep need of a shower. The Gentleman gets off work a little earlier than I do this week, and shot me a text - I basically wailed my despair (fortunately contained in the dignity of text).

His first response, "What can I do to help?"


Well, that puts a different light on it.

And then along the way in my mad digging, I come across my "garment bag." It was originally designed to hold dress clothes, but I've been known to stuff just about anything into it.

And someone points out that I don't need another backpack - I could probably fit two backpack loads in a really big trash bag.

And the Gentleman quietly waits at Red Robin (not only do they have bottomless fries, they also have a bottomless root beer float), studying the section of Proverbs we're on tonight, waiting for The Powers That Be to inspect my work and allow that perhaps I can go home now.

And then he waits as close as he can to the gate (and gets reprimanded by a police officer for his troubles.)

And immediately lifts my SUV-backpack off me as soon as I'm in range, and carries it easily to his trunk (I'd been laboring under the thing.)

And waits for me to make a second trip so I can get everything out.

And has country music playing for me when I get in the car.

And makes the pretty drive up the hill, not the speedy one, all the while talking of happy things and his family (he knows I like his family...and I definitely like that his family likes me :P ).

And parks and hugs me, even though we both know I am filthy from work and need a shower - he's just happy to see me.

Then we get out into the bright sunshiny day, and he goes around to the trunk, throws my giant backpack on his back, grabs the trash bag (I had to set this thing down every 200 feet. It's kind of heavy.) in one hand, and the garment bag in the other, and RUNS up the dirt/gravel hill.

I got to carry his waterbottle. He said he can't run with it in his jeans pocket like that.

Then he slowed and waited to walk up the stairs with me.

And talked some sense and perspective into me, so that I realized I didn't have to unpack and put everything away RIGHT THEN - that had been one of the major stress points.

Then before I did anything with unpacking, he helped me find Viking's keys (I'd forgotten to bring them back to her Monday, and had work all day Tuesday - she wasn't able to find them in the room, either. Of course, silly us, we never once thought to look inside my running shoes.)

And talked with me while I unpacked one bag, just hanging out and discussing happy matters.

Viking came over, and we all went for Subway (since I'm in serious need of groceries).

Then we all stayed up, studied Proverbs, and sat about swapping work stories and legends.

And at the end, it was a really, really good day.

I wonder if it's just because he always decides to see them that way.

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