Wednesday, May 22, 2013


Blogger is one of the sites blocked by the servers at work. This may mean I'll be changing blogs again at some point in the future. Or that I just won't post while we're traveling.

It's said that everyone loses their mind on an aircraft carrier on deployment, but that no one really notices because they all get it back within a month of returning home. I'd say this is true not in the sense of Cabin Fever from Muppet Treasure Island (I have heard of such things happening, but they were much longer and less challenging assignments than this), but rather that I found myself forgetting WHY the things that were important to me were important to me.

This is nicely ironic, because before we go, there's a mindset of , "Great, I'll be on deployment, I'll be able to get all kinds of work done without distractions!" I would say that one is physically capable, yes - focus, once one forgets where it is that one finds joy in life, focus is pretty much gone. It's possible to try to scare people into doing work (we call this, "fleeing a negative, pursuing a positive;" the concept is that if people only have one direction to go, presenting a negative for them to get away from as a motivator can work for a short time; boot camp is mostly based on this principle. The issue comes up because usually it's only for a short time that there's only one direction to go to evade the negative - techs are some of the most creative people I've met for evading what we don't want. So, while it seems harder, it's actually a lot less effort to make whatever it is that you want your people to do something that THEY want to do. I have one superior who gets this concept, and one that really doesn't.)

Upon returning, it was a few weeks before I managed to get my mental state back to anything like normalcy...and then I just got very quiet. I'm honestly not sure about blogging anymore; I feel like I don't have all that much to say. But, this one just started as a way for those who like to keep tabs on my up-tos to do so. I have a history of forgetting to let people know what I'm doing, believing on some level that since I know, they must of course know. I don't know that this is particularly interesting, but I think if I try to be entertaining, it's not going to happen.

Underway, it made sense to keep a sort of weekly log, but I think I'll just pick something to share from each day. Whenever I get my internet-tomfoolery attended to, there might even be pictures!

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