Saturday, May 23, 2009

Home Today

Well the world is burnin' under ultraviolet rays from the noonday sun,
And with this gentle breeze a-blowin' there is just no way of knowin' exactly what's just begun!

It may be a testament to my nerd factor or eclectic tastes, but somewhere out there is an underground ukulele band by name of "Waste of Aces," and their song "Perfect Day," is one of my favorites.

Because it's warm enough for my favorite tank top!

And not only is it a sunny day, but the mowing's already done for the week!

So I can go barefoot! (This is strictly "out" at Camp. I can hang out in the woods all day, but I can't ever be barefoot, and there's something so delightful about feeling the grass under your feet.)

As you might have guessed, this was back in the section that we mow but rarely, and I found these pretty little ones hiding under the wild plum.

Less unexpected, but by no means less welcome, are some of the blossoms closer to the house.

And as if that were not enough...

I have watermelon.
(I've earned a reputation at Camp for going a little crazy with the watermelon. Yummy.)

And though there's just no way of knowin'
All the signs here will be showin'
It will be a perfect day...

Saturday, May 16, 2009

Eradication Education

Today I learned that one can clear out unwanted ants' nests and/or weeds by pouring boiling water on them, as opposed to various marketed chemical compounds. It was something of a, "So simple, that's brilliant!" notion for me. Clearly, there remains much in this world for me to learn.

Mind, this also effectively nukes whatever microorganisms are in the soil underneath, so if it's an area where you want plants to grow again, it'll be a few weeks. The intended application of this was Things That Come Up in Sidewalk Cracks.

Maybe it's just from living in Wyoming, but I tend to be drawn to solutions that are both simplistic and leave little environmental damage. So, I've been responding to this with childlike enthusiasm. Fortunately, my family is still in the stage of being glad that I'm home, otherwise this would likely be driving them nuts.

I also have an experimental reflex that, given its way, would probably keep me from living to see soon as I heard that this could be used to get rid of ants' nests, I wondered what would happen if it were tried on hornets' nests. I believe that one goes under, "Not Recommended."