Tuesday, January 11, 2011


"Oh, Steve*, that's really sweet of you, but I actually like guys who shower on a daily basis. Sorry."

*not his real name

The misadventures of being in the vast gender minority continue!

For anyone who came in late, some stats:

6,000 students on base.

Approximately 35 males to every 1 female.

This is not taking into account whoever is married, gay, or in a long-term relationship. All of these skew the odds further.

It occurs to no one that I don't WANT to be in a relationship right now. I'm not married. I don't have a boyfriend. I'm straight. And I'm actually really okay with being single.

"Single" is supposedly a lamentable condition, and anyone suffering this malady simply must be desperate to be rid of it. Yes? Yes? So, what are you doing Friday?

It could be observed that one of the reasons I'm okay with being single is that I don't have time to date. I suppose I could explain, "I can only have boyfriends on Saturdays," but I'm slightly concerned that they might take me up on that. But, really, the fact that I'm out of school doesn't mean I have heaps of time lying around; it just means that I'm less stressed than before.

Telling guys that I don't date for fun; if I'm dating someone, it's to figure out whether we could get married, works. Kind of. Gets rid of about 2/3 of them, anyway. Sigh.

I realize that there's all kinds of help and advice in the world for catching male attention. I, by contrast, can tell you ladies - join the military. If you are single and desiring otherwise when you come in, you will likely develop a significant other two weeks after Boot Camp. Maybe three, if you're shy. I, by contrast, try different techniques to lose male interest.

I've observed in other women that the best approach is to not shower, not brush your teeth, generally don't care about your appearance. Yeah, that's not going to happen here.