Sunday, October 12, 2008

The Difference An Elevation Makes

Sheridan is on almost exactly the same line of latitude as Rochester. Most of the time, we have pretty much the same weather, same temperatures, just about half the humidity in the mountains as on the plains.

Today, my Dad and a work-buddy are building a fence in our backyard in 70-degree weather. I'm happily inside cleaning my dorm room and writing papers, because it's been snowing since very early Friday morning.

It's very wet, beautifully packable snow, too. Actually, I think it stopped coming down sometime this afternoon. Somehow, in my crazy packing job, I remembered my coat and a couple of fleece sweaters, but didn't bring a single hat, scarf, glove, or snow scraper. Fortunately, I had a Frisbee in my trunk, which worked surprisingly well for taking the five or six inches of heavy snow off my car.

Walking back to my house after church (Davis is technically a house, not a hall), I received an invitation to join one person in making a snowman, and another to go sledding. There would probably be more - nearly everyone still here wants to be outside and playing - but we have Monday and Tuesday off for fall break, so nearly everyone has gone home. There are probably twenty students left on campus - we're the ones from far-off places like Nebraska, Minnesota, Germany, Hawaii, and China.

Saskatchewan isn't considered too far to drive, either. :)

We're supposed to be back and happy in the forties by Tuesday, so we'll see how much of this pretty whiteness is left by the time we're back in class.